Sunday. A reverent day, where children sit quietly through church soaking up all the wonderful spiritual material, then return home to find activities that will nourish and edify their little souls. Or watch Sponge Bob. Either way.
Okay just kidding (sorta.) Sundays can sometime's be an adventure at our home. Sometimes there may even be yelling while getting everyone ready for church. (Hypothetical. Don't judge.) So, in an attempt to bring a little order back to Sunday, I am creating a few things to help simplify it.
First things first. I decided to make a list of "goals" I have for Sunday's, what I really want to get out of them. Because I do want Sunday's to be different. I am grateful for a day of rest, I sometimes just need some ideas to help us be restful and not just bored!
I want my Sunday's to be:
1. Meaningful
2. Calming
3. Restorative
4. Unifying
5. Spiritual
6. I want my kids to actually like Sunday, and the chance to take a break from all the screens. Call me crazy.
To that end, I created a list of 50 family friendly ideas--- great for a quiet, simple Sunday. I'm also including a card that kids can fill out with activities they would like to do.
I'm going to have my kids choose some things off of the list to fill in their
card for that Sunday.
Either my husband or I will mark things off as they do them. They can turn in the filled out papers after dinner for a treat.