Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Break the Fear Cycle

Not to brag, but my brain was creating fear, panic, and uncertainty WAY before this whole COVID-19 thing.   Super cool.  Don't be jealous.  Thanks for that OCD wiring.

I know how it feels to want to take action to eliminate fear and gain some control-even when the action we take might make no sense! (IE: I'm afraid of a virus!  To be less afraid I will buy all of the toilet paper in Costco! Take that COVID-19!)

 I have spent years researching and learning about the psychology behind fear, and how to manage and move forward through each day and NOT engage in any actions that are a response to fear--even when it seems like the actions will alleviate the fear.  The truth is, the more we fear, the MORE we fear.  It creates a vicious cycle.
We certainly have legitimate concerns in the world right now.  As I watch the news, my greatest concern is the number of people acting out of fear.  Not so much fear of the virus, but all the possible what-if's.

What if we run out of toilet paper?
What if we run out of bottled water?
What if there isn't enough food?
What if I can't get cold/flu meds?

Ok, Chicken Little.  I hear you.  This is scary, and it feels like the sky is falling.  But, the result is a nation that is FEEDING THE FEAR, and CREATING the outcomes that it fears most!

Right now, we have no evidence from manufacturers and stores that we will not have enough of everything.   It is the fear and the what-if's that are taking a serious situation and turning it into a multi-faceted crisis.   

It takes courage to have faith and trust in uncertain times.  Courage to face the uncertainty of the future.  Faith that we can handle what is coming by focusing on one day at a time.  Trust in each other to purchase only what we need, and share what we have.  

We can learn to do hard things---Together. 

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Homeschool?! FREE Sanity Saving Printable's

I wanted to share some of what I have been working on as I get prepared to homeschool my guy's starting tomorrow (bless my heart.)  I am sure there will be tweaks to make over time, but I wanted to at least have some semblance of a plan!  I have included blank pages as well as how I have things set up for my family.

Hugs Friends.  We can learn to do hard things.    



Saturday, March 14, 2020

My Favorite Emotional/Behavioral Strategies & Resources

1.  Adjust expectations to meet capacity so no one loses  their marbles!

2.  Reframe the Behavior

3.  It doesn't have to make sense to you 

to feel real to them.

4.  Meet Them Where They Are At (Not Where You Think They Should Be) And Give Support Accordingly

5. Address challenging behavior when both you and the child are calm and regulated. Not a moment before.   


A Fine Parent

Beyond Behaviors-Dr. Mona Delahooke

Bright & Quirky

Empowered To Connect

Lives In The Balance-Dr. Ross Greene

Self-Reg Dr. Stuart Shanker

Trust Based Relational Intervention Video's-Dr. Karyn Purvis/TCU